You don’t have to be the loudest in the room to be fiercely in demand
Learn how to turn your audience into raving fans who can’t wait to buy from you
This is the place where female entrepreneurs with introverted qualities become stand out leaders
To elevate your authority for maximum impact and income
So you become the In-Demand Industry Leader

Showing you how to stand out without shouting out 🦩
To be fiercely in demand 🔥 creating consistency in customer growth and income.
Don’t just take it from me

Do you want to know how to stand out in a way that feels really good for you, and get serious about how you grow your business, your way?
Just between us: I am going to let you in on a couple of secrets…
Number 1
The problem is not your social media, email or other communication channels you use, or even your offers, it is your message.
Being clear on what you do for the people you choose to buy from you is the game changer.
Where the power of your messaging is so tight that when you open your mouth people pay attention and want to know more.
And because you are never going to be the loudest in the room, your messaging gets loud for you
Number 2
You just need to understand what makes you distinctly different
Your quiet confidence allows you to shine bright because the way you do things is special
It’s the final piece of the jigsaw because it means you can create demand for what you do so customers approach you to buy without you having to convince or demand needy attention
Want to know more?
Hi, I am Lisa
I am passionate about helping you stand out to be seen and heard above the noise.
I work with women who are like me and not the loudest in the room.
I am self-confessed in having introverted qualities, the ones where I struggle to walk into rooms of strangers or when I am in a room packed with people, I naturally go into the background.
But I know when I speak, the women who I choose to work with, want to listen.
You won’t see me with 100 plus in the room, as big rooms and loud voices don’t work for me.
So instead I have grown a successful business, where I don’t do things like others do.
I run small intimate events and programmes, where I get to help everyone in the room, because I choose only to work inperson.
Where no one gets left behind or feels lost in a sea of grey, because in my world you stand out like a proud pink flamingo, for being exactly who you are.
And with over 25 years in corporate marketing and business development, working with big brands. I have a toolbox full of proven processes, tools and techniques.
I am on a mission to show you marketing can be simple and fun
Let me tell you more about me, from corporate marketing to accidental entrepreneur…
Ready to get going?
Be In Demand Programme
How to get serious about growth and take big action to elevate your impact and income.
A face to face guided programme taking you from hidden to stand out from the crowd.
Small intimate group, where you design a tailored marketing strategy, that you instantly deploy.
Where you control the level and consistency of your income.
Be In Demand Events
Game changing strategic marketing to deliver results, shared in intimate inperson groups.
Where you can come to just one, but you’ll want to do more.
Because every single one is geared to give you another element that's going to create huge transformation in your business.
1-1 Mentoring
When you want to accelerate and amplify your business by designing a tailored strategy.
When you just want to get your marketing sorted, with guidance on proven approaches, so you have clarity on what to do and how to do it to level up your business.
From marketing strategy to marketing plan and implementation process – I have you covered
Be In Demand Books & Resources
Awards & Accreditations