Be In Demand Accelerator – Best Kept Secret to FIERCELY IN DEMAND

Are you ready to create a fiercely successful business?

Gain clarity on how to grow your business

Become the go- to-expert in your chosen field and market

Become a high output individual in control of your business and time

Learn how to create an endless stream of customers

Amplify your reach through next level marketing

You want something different to the cookie cutter courses where you are one of fifty, hundreds or even thousands? 

Or fed up of doing online courses where you do not see the creator or maybe once and a while catch a glimpse on a call with a gazillion others.

Do you want an action based course that is tailored to your business where everything is done face to face and in the same room?

You just found what you are looking for – where you work in a small group of 6 so we can focus on tailoring to your business, whether you are service or product based.

Where you get access to my ninja marketing skills and the fresh eyes of 5 other ladies who get you.

How many times have you wanted to shout ‘please buy from me’? How many times have you changed your marketing strategy?  How many times have you purchased a course and not completed it ?

Not any more as this is your invitation to the Be in Demand Accelerator.

But this is not for everyone. It is for those who are ready to be come visible and be fiercely in demand.
This is an invitation to work exclusively with me to map out and implement your next level business .

There is no short cut to success, and as such I only want to accept those who are ready to show up every
single day, take ALL OUT massive action with no excuses!

To accelerate your personal and business growth with a mentor who gets you.  Where every thing is done together, in the room, from strategy to action, with no one left behind.

Are you ready ?

Using Proven Processes, Tools and Techniques

You spent time doing all the things you have been told to do. Bought the marketing courses and the Masterminds. But still not where you want to be, even after investing in yourself. I hear it far too often from the people who approach mw for help. 

Because the things you have been taught are generic and theory based, from posting a gazillion times a day but with what to write to engage with your ideal customer online but not how to build the relationship.

Time to take a different approach, to develop a strategy based on customers coming to you, using marketing that you are comfortable with to get you results, so you STAND OUT.

A Fresh, Simple, Fluff-Free Way

‘What makes this course different’.  The Be In Demand Accelerator teaches you how to build and nurture a community so customers approach you to buy.

I am in the room doing it with you.  I am there to guide and support you.  I am there to explore ideas with you.  I am there working alongside you every step of the way.  So you will leave each session with everything set up and in place as I will not leave anyone behind which means you can start applying it in your marketing from day one!

You will walk through a 5 step roadmap, enabling you to develop more clarity on who your customers group is, make your offer even more irresistible,  have a compelling message to attract customers and level up your marketing, by developing practical marketing strategies to get real results.

This is for existing businesses (or start ups that already have logos and designs and are building an audience) who are committed to levelling up, want to stop the overwhelm and are passionate about being seen and heard by more customers.

From Secret to Fiercely In Demand’ – 5 Step Signature Programme to ensure you get individual attention to develop your marketing strategy that is bespoke to your business.  Next Group programme starts in June, contact me to chat about how it will help you. Investment £1500

About Me

Being a small business owner is tough, you wear many hats every day and it can be soul destroying when you do not get the results you dream of. Exactly the reason why I am so passionate to show you there is a way to create demand for what you do so customers approach you to buy. And most importantly, tailored to you and your business (no cookie cutters or one size fits all here).

From no start up investment or experience of running a small business, to being a successful owner today and also the founder and creator of the ‘Be In Demand’ method, a platform supporting local small business owners going from best kept secret to fiercely in demand. And it is a pleasure to show you how, using proven processes, tools and techniques from working with big brands for over 25 years, you can achieve small business success using big brand thinking.

I am passionate about showing you how you can find success by tailoring your marketing so you are comfortable and confident to implement.

It is a Process Not a Cookie Cutter

Be Clear – digging deep into who your customer groups are and refine your offer to attract them, understand what makes you different and to develop your messaging to make you stand out

Be Seen – learn how to stop the scroll using your images to stand out from the crowd, from photography to developing existing images

Be Heard – learn copywriting techniques to always have valuable content to engage your customers, speaking directly to them

Be Effective – develop marketing strategies to attract your customers, for them to approach you

Be Chosen – discover nurturing potential customers into buyers and cheerleaders

“Lisa’s course is brilliant. I already had a small business but not getting enough customers or sales. Within the first two weeks my followers had gone from 130 to over 500 and engagement had doubled!! Now I have over 2,000, engagement x10 and I am increasing profit month on month. With Lisa’s guidance, I am growing my business steadily and using marketing strategies that I enjoy. Thanks so much”. Jayne Taylor, Taylord Crafts

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