Be In Demand Programme

An in person programme for driven female entrepreneurs who are serious about growing a fiercely successful business

Where customers will walk across broken glass to buy from you. So you make the impact and income you desire, without one sleazy, cheesy sales tactic.

And you achieve the In Demand Industry Leader status, where your credibility and authority are celebrated

Lisa Simcox holding up a pink Be In Demand notepad up to her face

Imagine walking away with the drive, ambition and determination to make your dreams a reality.

A big promise I know, but I'm ready to share my 30 years’ experience in marketing so that you can elevate your brand and business to its unlimited potential, in a way that feels really damn good for you

Calling all courageous Females Who are ready for Unapologetic Success

Your success isn't about following the rest, instead letting yourself be who you are, to (in the words of Dolly) ‘forge your own lane’ and be unapologetically yourself

You don't have to be the loudest in the room. I've built my entire business based on delivering value and knowing that when I do speak up, my people are paying attention

This is not about being the centre of attention, but more about knowing how to use the magic inside you to help and serve others

I will show you how to become the in-demand leader in your industry, by being who you are, get more eyes on your business, which leads to more clients and sales, which leads to a much bigger impact

A hand holding up a bright yellow megaphone in front of a white background

Ready to get unstuck 🦩

To be fiercely in demand 🔥

Creating consistency in customer growth and income ✅

So what is the Be In Demand Programme ?

And exactly why do you need to stop hesitating and press the button to join as you know you are ready for this now?

This is definitely for you if you want to learn how to

Time to step up a gear and invest time (and space) to learn how to explode your income and impact

I see you. You are attracting clients but need to turn it up a gear. Because you are ready to elevate your results

Ready to be In Demand and be the leader in your market?

A smiling woman with red hair and a green jumper, sitting at a table looking at others in the room
Lisa Simcox in a pink cardigan and colourful scarf pulling a party popper

Hi I am Lisa…

  • Award winning, published author and speaker

  • Over 25 years in corporate marketing.

  • Marketing Manager to Managing Director to now Successful; Accidental Entrepreneur

I’ve worked directly with over 100 women like you who didn't think it was possible because they weren't the loudest in the room.

But by finding their own voice and what works for them they've grown their business beyond what they ever thought was possible changing their life and the lives of so many others

And for true talent to shine through

I am so fed up of the generic information all over the internet and the stuff the self proclaimed gurus and experts tell you to do, that gets your head in a spin

I am so bored of it all, aren’t you? How many times have you done all the stuff but it is still not elevating your business

Because there is no magic solution, no cookie cutter option that will work for everyone, even though that is the impression given

I have proven what I share works 

Because it is based on proven processes, tools and techniques, developed around you, your business and your customer

With a toolbox built over 30 years, 25 with big brands and 5 years growing my own successful business and what I share with my clients to successfully grow theirs

Ready to be chosen again and again?

Don’t just take it from me

Designed to take you from the shadows to the spotlight

  • Be Clear

    I am going to help you quickly and easily attract the attention of your target customers by deeply understanding them

  • Be Focused

    I will work with you to create messaging that connects and offers that they simply cannot refuse

  • Be Seen

    I am going to show you how to be visible and effectively bring those customers into your world where they choose to be there

  • Be Heard

    I will work alongside you to create a complete nurturing system that will help you massively increase your conversion rates so that you can forget about selling and get on with what you love

  • Be Effective

    I will show you how to build a next level marketing strategy and plan, including sharing the tactics I use, to convert more of your leads into paying customers so that you can get more from your marketing efforts

  • Be Chosen

    I will work with you to develop how you can keep customers in your world so that you can turn them into repeat buyers, brand ambassadors and your biggest fans who will then do your selling for you

So how does it work?

I am in the room doing it with you. There to help with the copy. There to help with creation. There to explore ideas with you. There working alongside you every step of the way

6 session programme where we work as a small group to get things done!

You will leave each session with everything sorted. I will not leave anyone behind which means you can start applying it in your marketing from day one!

Woman sitting around a conference table with Lisa Simcox in the centre

Your Investment In You…

If you are ready and an action taker you need to grow into your next level and the Be In Demand Programme could be just what you need to do it. And I would love to work with you to make it happen…

  • Investment of £3000

Paying in instalments is possible too

Or upgrade to 1-1 to go through the programme

  • 1-1 Programme is an investment of £5000

Paying in instalments is possible too

Bonuses when you sign up

worth £5000

🎉 Marketing audit of online and offline material (value £1000)

🎉 Constant access to ask questions, resolve issues and review marketing material and content (value £1000)

🎉 Behind the Scenes Sales Page Blueprint (value £800)

🎉 12 months of ‘Fill in the Gap’ content (£600)

🎉 Content framework resources (value £500

🎉 1-1 Deep Dive Session (value £500)

🎉 Compelling Copy Bible (value £300)

🎉 Develop Scroll Stopping Images (value £250)

🎉 50 Headline and Call to Action Options (value £150)

Lisa Simcox holding up a loarge pink and yellow lollipop up to her face and smiling


Private Messenger Group

Access to marketing advice for any questions, ideas and draft marketing material you have written or produced

Result Sessions

Face to face working sessions where we take action in the room, tailored to your individual business. You will leave each session with everything done .

Processes, Tools and Templates

Access to tools and techniques to ensure you are comfortable to continue to implemeent from day 1 and ongoing.

Be In Demand Community

Every month you will be given priority in selecting who to spotlight where I interview you. 

Private Whatsapp Group

Everyone will have access to a Whatsapp Group for updates on logistics and to celebrate wins.

  • This programme is for you if…

    Ready to be consistent to achieve better results

    Ready to make the commitment

    Ready to implement proven processes, tools and techniques that suit you

    You are ready to stand out

    You are driven and an action taker

    You want to make a bigger impact

    You are open to new ways of working

    You are committed to your next level

  • This programme is not for you if…

    You already think you know it all

    You do not want to put in any effort and just be told what to do

    You think this will be a magic solution that requires no effort from yourself

    You are not willing to spend time on your business and happy to just work in it

    You do not want to be accountable

    You just want the answer and not willing to put any effort in


  • We do everything together in the same room, where I am there to guide you and by your side. In between out face o face sessions, you have access to a free Messenger group where you can ask any questions, put forward any ideas and upload any marketing material for feedback.

  • You are welcome to join the Be In Demand Alumni and continue to work with me and the other ladies who have completed my programme. And you are always welcome in my free Be In Demand Community, where I provide free training and support, showcase businesses and provide free resource

  • It is possible to pay in instalments. We will have a chat about what suits you best.